Description logo: No Blink is represented by a green turtle with blue eyes whose is taking a step forward. No Blink is writtent in bold letter below the turtle. Below No Blink is writen in grafity style letter, the sentence “You don’t need a sight to have a vision”.
A talk of 20 to 30 minuts whose aim is to raise awareness, encorage, motivate, inspire, the audiance in a dynamic way. The speech is concluded with a Q&A session.
From 60 to 90 minuts, a conference focusses on motivating or raising awareness and does so by enabling interactive exchange with the audiance. A conference is concluded with a Q&A session.
From half a day to a full, a workshop’s objective is to approche the themes through activities which put the participents in a variety of situations and takes them out of their confort zone. The exchange occurs at a more personal level.
From the cancer to the loss of sight, from high school in Geneva to university abroad, the transition from the world of elit sport to the business one… By sharing my experiences, No Blink’s objectives are to raise awareness and take off the negative perception of visual impairement, to help, encorage, motivate, inspire people to dream and make their dreams come true! Through No Blink, I offer motivational speeches, conferences, workshops for all.